Dear SCACPA Members,

By now, we’ve all received the outreach emails from every restaurant, retailer and service provider that we’ve encountered. Each sincere message explains how the organization will operate during the COVID-19 crisis, and how their team remains committed to their values to get us through these days ahead.

I’m writing this to tell all SCACPA members that we are following the recommendations of the CDC and cancelling or postponing all in-person events for the next eight weeks. However, SCACPA itself WILL remain open for business to provide you the benefits and services you expect and deserve.

The dedicated SCACPA staff will maintain our full office hours and answer every phone call and email you send us. Our technology allows us to work anytime, anyplace, and we will not shut that off. SCACPA focuses not just on helping you remain open for business but successfully navigating the road to recovery.

If you are unable to get needed supplies or groceries due to shortages or travel limitations, please contact, and we will find a way to assist you.

We know that members have reduced virtually all travel well into the foreseeable future. Yes, there is much uncertainty in this environment. We hope you can rest a bit easier knowing SCACPA takes a responsibility to stand ready for you, just as we’ve helped guide members through hurricane disaster recoveries over the past several years.

This announcement is also to inform you that the CDC’s eight-week recommendation puts our Spring Splash accounting conference at the tail end of that timeline. We are fully committed to hosting Spring Splash 2020 on May 14-15 at the Spartanburg Marriott at this time.

We realize that many variables still exist before May 14 that might affect your planned attendance, so I am also announcing that SCACPA will offer two livestream channels during Spring Splash 2020. This is the first time SCACPA has provided livestream to our Spring Splash or Fall Fest conferences. If you are unable to attend in person, we hope you will take advantage.

I also invite you to make the most of our online open forum community SCACPA Connect. This Association resource allows us to talk to one another and offer support, which we need now more than ever. Read about how to log in and start a conversation here. All we ask is that everyone abide by some simple rules of SCACPA Connect etiquette.

As much as everyone is social distancing and working remotely, institutions such as the government will proceed to function, and we will do our best to continue our work in those systems. As the South Carolina legislature chooses to continue its session – Federal Tax Conformity bills have been introduced in the Senate and House – the SCACPA Advocacy Team will steadily advise and consult with lawmakers while communicating to you the progress being made.

The health and welfare of our members and staff are of the utmost importance to SCACPA, and we promise we will provide you with updates as necessary as we monitor all situations. To keep up with our latest news, turn to the SCACPA Blog and our social media outlets.

To reiterate: SCACPA is not closing. In fact, we are working hard now to be prepared to offer you even more benefits and services as conditions improve. SCACPA membership will continue to be high in quality, high in value, and low in cost.

In the meantime, please know you can reach out to me at or 803.791.4181. Help is only an email or phone call away.

We wish for a brisk road to recovery for all individuals and business in South Carolina. Don’t hesitate to tell us what you need next. We’re all in this together.

In gratitude,

Chris Jenkins


Note: SCACPA’s real-time updates for news and resources surrounding COVID-19 developments can be found here.