Surgent’s Fiduciary Income Tax Returns – Form 1041 Workshop with Filled-in Forms (SSTX100/25)
Event Description
This course is designed as a comprehensive guide to the core concepts of trust and estate income tax preparation. The course explains the common terminology and complicated income tax rules of estates and trusts, fiduciary accounting, and an introduction to or refresher on preparing Form 1041. This practical, over 300-page manual is an excellent reference source for your practice, which begins with quite simple cases. Building upon that base throughout the manual, the course ends with two complicated preparation cases, one trust and one estate, each with filled-in forms.
Designed For
Accounting and Financial Professionals whose practice includes the preparation of fiduciary income tax returns
Be aware of fiduciary accounting principles Calculate Distributable Net Income and the income distribution deduction Prepare Form 1041 and Schedule K-1
Major Subjects
Classifying receipts between income and corpus under the Uniform Principal and Income Act Calculation of DNI utilizing three different methods, a forms method (Schedule B), a code method, and a shortcut method, utilizing a worksheet of common income and expenses Proper W-2 preparation and procedures in the year of death Taxpayer passes before taking a required minimum distribution; what must be done? Forgetful fiduciaries of simple trusts Fluctuating trusts; Simple one year, complex the next Dividing income in the year of death Overview of Subchapter J Form preparation issues; Filing requirements and line-by-line explanations of Form 1041 Taxable income of estates and trusts and expense allocation issues Specific deductions and miscellaneous itemized deductions Income in respect of a decedent The income distribution deduction calculation Relation of principal and income law to DNI Understanding how to handle capital gains and losses Allocating tax items to beneficiaries: another K-1 Other considerations: excess deductions on termination Effects of the CARES and Tax Relief Acts on trusts: Sect 461(l) Excess Business Loss Limitation, NOL, Sect 163(j) modifications, new employer credits Comprehensive DNI case study, with principal (cost and FMV) and income reconciliation Comprehensive trust and estate case studies, with filled-in forms
Experience with the preparation of income tax returns