Surgent’s Gaining a Competitive Advantage: Critical Skills for CFOs and Controllers (SSMG114/25)
Event Description
All organizations are looking for ways to gain an advantage over the competition. This practical and interactive session will present a toolkit of ideas to help CFOs, controllers and finance professionals better position their organizations for the future. We know change is occurring at an exponential rate, and that has proven to be the case in all areas of finance, management, and leadership over the past year. The course deals with these new issues and will continue to be updated as necessary throughout the year. Become the “financial hero” of your organization and make a positive impact on the bottom-line.
Designed For
CFOs, controllers, and finance professionals
Make better financial decisions that have a positive impact on the organization Lead the organization into the rapidly changing decade Apply what we have learned from the COVID-19 pandemic for a positive impact on the organization
Major Subjects
Latest state of the economy Expense control that works Understanding our changing workforce and working environment Financial risk analysis Enterprise risk management Improving bank relationships
Experience in financial management of a small or midsize company