Surgent’s Strategies for Maximizing Social Security Benefits (SSTX224/25)
Event Description
As the population of the United States ages, tax practitioners will be asked to advise their individual clients with respect to when they should begin to take Social Security benefits. This program will provide you with the background to knowledgeably discuss the benefit options available to Social Security beneficiaries and the alternative payment options available to married couples, dependents, a surviving spouse, and a divorced individual.
Designed For
Tax practitioners who anticipate advising clients with respect to any aspect of the Social Security system and, particularly, with respect to the time when a client can/should initiate Social Security benefits distributions
Determine what options a given client has with respect to initiating Social Security payments Identify other factors that could affect a claiming age decision Advise divorced clients with respect to their ability to receive Social Security benefits from a former spouse Advise married clients regarding their options with respect to maximizing Social Security benefits for the couple and for a surviving spouse
Major Subjects
When is a person eligible to take Social Security benefits? Factors to consider when selecting an option for taking Social Security benefits Is there a best age to start taking Social Security benefits? How to maximize Social Security benefit payments for surviving spouses How can a divorced spouse collect Social Security benefits based on the work record of a former spouse? How minor children can collect Social Security benefits based on the work record of an older parent
Basic knowledge of individual income taxation