Surgent’s The Inflation Reduction Act’s Changes to Auto and Energy-Related Tax Credits (SSTX110/25)
Event Description
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) contains many changes to auto and energy-related credits as well as new credits and old credits that have been renamed. For instance, did you know that the IRA brings back a credit for installation of electric car chargers? Many if not most of these credits reduce the cost of individual- and business-related expenses. As a result of the changes brought about by the IRA, tax advisors have a full set of new and reformed credits to understand and explain to their clients.
This program covers the mechanics of all the new and revised energy-related credits clients will be asking about, such as credits related to personal autos, energy-efficient commercial vehicles, and household-related utilities and improvements. It will cover the new IRA changes related to electric car credits in detail, including the transition rules applying to clean vehicles purchased after the IRA’s August 16, 2022 enactment and their subsequent application in 2023 and thereafter. After attending, practitioners will be able to effectively advise their individual and business clients about these newly available money-saving opportunities. Don’t miss this chance to clearly enhance your practice.
Designed For
Accounting and finance professionals who need to advise clients on these new credits
Be familiar with all aspects of the credits emanating from the IRA Advise clients regarding individual and business planning related to these credits
Major Subjects
The Energy-Efficient Home Improvement Credit Residential Clean Energy Credit The Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit Comparison of Section 25C and Section 25D credits Changes to the Section 179D deduction Prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements The new Energy Efficient Home Credit The Clean Vehicle Credit The Previously Owned Clean Vehicle Credit The Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicle Credit Application of written binding contracts Transfers of certain credits to an unrelated transferee Increase in Research Credit against payroll tax for small businesses What special rules apply to auto credits purchased after enactment How a purchaser of an energy-efficient auto claims the credit Transition rule for vehicles purchased before August 16, 2022