2 Credits
Surgent’s Accounting Changes and Error Corrections (SSAA138/25)
This course provides an overview of the accounting requirements with respect to accounting changes and error corrections and the reporting implications within an entity's financial statements. The scope of accounting changes includes a discussion of...
1 Credit
Surgent’s Power Query Series: Data Transformations (SSTE126/25)
This course teaches the user how to perform data transformations in Power Query, using a hands-on approach. Power Query is an "ETL" tool that extracts, transforms, and loads data. This tool has a user-friendly interface that enables the Excel user to...
4 Credits
Surgent’s Annual FASB Update and Review (SSAA210/25)
This course provides a detailed discussion on the key topics related to financial reporting, though in a summarized format. The course will focus on recent ASUs issued by the FASB with a concentration on issues of greatest significance to most accoun...
1 Credit
Surgent’s Going Concern Considerations in the COVID-19 Environment (SSAA144/25)
Of all the financial reporting impacts related to COVID-19, financial statement disclosure and accountants' reporting when substantial doubt about an entity's ability to continue as a going concern is likely to continue for several reporting cycles. ...
4 Credits
Surgent’s Essential Depreciation and Expensing Update (SSTX237/25)
The "permanent" changes from the TCJA may stand like a lion in the pathway of change, but Washington has its own definition of permanent. Inflation adjustments and technical corrections are included within this deep analysis of the complex maze of ru...
1 Credit
Surgent’s Weekly Expert Hour (Original Air Date: 7/21/22) (SSTX318/25)
As financial and tax professionals well know, information overload is a constant struggle we face because things change quickly, and the sheer number of changes being made on a daily basis is enormous. Of great importance to small and medium tax ...
1 Credit
Surgent’s Monthly Accounting and Auditing Update (Original Air Date: 9/28/21) (SSAA246/25)
The one constant in life is change. This is true in the A&A world as well. 2021 will continue to challenge the accounting profession in many areas, including accounting for the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, working in a virtual environment, an...
2 Credits
Surgent’s What Tax Practitioners Need to Know About Medicare (SSTX175/25)
When the first cohort of Baby Boomers turned age 65 several years ago, tax advisors began to be bombarded with questions concerning all facets of Medicare. How does Medicare work? How do I apply? How much does it cost? Is Medicare optional or require...
4 Credits
Surgent’s Microsoftr Excelr 2019: Getting Started with PivotTables and PivotCharts (SSMG129/25)
This course is a two-lesson advanced level course that guides you through creating, formatting, and modifying PivotTables and PivotCharts in Excel using step-by-step hands-on activities.
8 Credits
Surgent’s Tax Forms Boot Camp: LLCs, Partnerships, and S Corporations (SSTX239/25)
The course provides a comprehensive, hands-on, pencil pushing understanding of the preparation of both S corporation and partnership/LLC tax returns, along with the underlying laws, regulations, etc. The course uses the basic concepts underlying the ...
2 Credits
Surgent’s Marijuana: A Generalized Business Viewpoint (SSST123/25)
Each year, more states legalize cannabis (i.e., marijuana) for medical or recreational purposes. As legalization grows, so too does the cannabis industry. While some financial professionals have stayed away from this growing sector of the economy, ot...
4 Credits
Surgent’s Understanding the High-Stakes Mega Issues in A&A Today (SSAA224/25)
With so much of significance going on currently in the world of A&A today, you need to be able to make sense of the key drivers of our profession. In this course, we will review the key aspects of the events that are impacting practitioners and finan...
3 Credits
Surgent’s 2023 Tax Update (SSTX162/25)
Both businesses and individual clients face major changes as a result of tax reform, and tax professionals face the considerable challenge of delivering effective planning advice and services to address this myriad of recent developments. This course...
4 Credits
Surgent’s Update on Recent AICPA Standard Setting: Staying Current in a Changing Environment (SSAA285/25)
Professional standards are changing with the times and the desire of the AICPA to move the profession into a new era where use of technology will play a key role in an audit and professional skepticism, independence, and quality are emphasized. We ar...
1 Credit
Surgent’s Weekly Expert Hour (Original Air Date: 9/23/21) (SSTX247/25)
As financial and tax professionals well know, information overload is a constant struggle we face because things change quickly, and the sheer number of changes being made on a daily basis is enormous. Of great importance to small and medium tax and ...
8 Credits
Surgent’s Preparing Not-for-Profit Financial Statements (SSAA189/25)
In order to prepare accurate and effective not-for-profit financial statements, professionals must have a strong working knowledge of the reporting requirements. Now is the time to obtain that knowledge! This course explains the requirements, illustr...
4 Credits
Surgent’s Applying the Yellow Book to a Financial Statement Audit (SSAA265/25)
Knowing just a little about the Yellow Book can hurt you! It is important to have a thorough understanding of the standards. This course covers the Yellow Book financial auditing requirements and prepares you to excel in applying the standards. You w...
2 Credits
Surgent’s Lessons Learned From Recent Accounting Malpractice Actions (SSOT104/25)
Recent economic volatility has created added stress on accounting and finance professionals and their clients. When individuals or businesses lose money, they often blame others for their misfortune. Business disputes can sometimes lead to accounting...
8 Credits
Surgent’s Financial Reporting Update for Tax Practitioners (SSAA137/25)
Tax advisors will be updated on the most recently enacted legislation and IRS guidance as well as updates of recent standard-setting activities at the FASB and AICPA. To start, the course will review the significant tax, financial accounting, auditin...
8 Credits
Surgent’s Forms 1120-S and 1065 Return Review Boot Camp for New and Experienced Reviewers (SSTX221/25)
Most review techniques developed by professionals are self-taught and fine-tuned via experience. Yet how does one start? The purpose of this course is to give both new and seasoned reviewers additional and advanced procedures via a multitude of check...
1 Credit
Surgent’s Weekly Expert Hour (Original Air Date: 7/15/21) (SSTX268/25)
As financial and tax professionals well know, information overload is a constant struggle we face because things change quickly, and the sheer number of changes being made on a daily basis is enormous. Of great importance to small and medium tax and ...
2 Credits
Surgent’s Accounting Hot Topics (SSAA127/25)
In addition to being experts on the nuts and bolts of accounting and auditing, experienced auditors must also be aware of the emerging trends in our industry, as well as those complex topics with which we don't need to deal on an everyday basis. In t...
8 Credits
Surgent’s The Complete Guide to Payroll Taxes and 1099 Issues (SSTX131/25)
Employment taxes are often overlooked as an area where more planning may be effective. Payroll taxes have become an increasing burden for the average business, and IRS penalties for noncompliance have risen dramatically in recent years. They have als...
2 Credits
Surgent’s Choosing the Right Business Entity (SSTX128/25)
The business structure a client chooses influences virtually everything: day-to-day operations, taxes, how much of their personal assets are at risk, and more. For this and many other reasons, it is critical that a client choose a business structure ...
8 Credits
Surgent’s Auditing Not-for-Profit Entities: Superior Skills for an Effective and Efficient Audit (SSAA150/25)
It's been said that you cannot fit a square peg into a round hole. The same principle holds true for audits of not-for-profit entities. You cannot simply apply a standard commercial audit approach to the audit of a not-for-profit entity and expect a ...