
Changing any of the form inputs will cause the list of events to refresh with the filtered results.

1 Credit

10 Credits

4 Credits

6 Credits

Surgent’s Microsoftr PowerPointr 2016: Getting Started (SSMG128/25)

This course guides you through creating and opening PowerPoint presentations; inserting, reorganizing, and deleting slides; applying a design theme and switching between different PowerPoint views. You learn how to insert various types of content on ...

Non-Member Fee: $270

2 Credits

2 Credits

Surgent’s Audit Quality and Peer Review Update (SSAA174/25)

With the AICPA's heightened focus on enhancing audit quality, increased oversight of the peer review process and the auditor's overall responsibility to provide high quality services, the focus on compliance with professional standards has never been...

Non-Member Fee: $95

1 Credit

Surgent’s Increase the Efficiency of Your Organization (SSMG116/25)

There are only two things that any organization needs to accomplish for success: serve the customer well and do it efficiently. This short program will concentrate on the efficiency side, which is always near and dear to the heart of the financial pr...

Non-Member Fee: $55

4 Credits

4 Credits

Surgent’s Federal Tax Update (SSTX118/25)

Both businesses and individual clients face major changes as a result of new legislation, and tax professionals face the considerable challenge of delivering effective planning advice and services to address this myriad of recent developments. This c...

Non-Member Fee: $180

4 Credits

Surgent’s Microsoftr Excelr 2016: Creating and Formatting Charts (SSMG105/25)

Excel provides a variety of tools you can use to create, format and enhance charts: contextual Ribbon tab buttons, menus and galleries, shortcut menus, keyboard shortcuts, task panes, and more. This course allows you to explore using these tools to create and format common chart types.

Non-Member Fee: $180

8 Credits

Surgent’s Annual Accounting and Auditing Update (SSAA139/25)

Designed for accounting and attestation practitioners at all levels in both public accounting and business and industry, this course provides a comprehensive review of recent standard-setting activities of the FASB and AICPA. In addition to providing...

Non-Member Fee: $360

4 Credits

1 Credit

Surgent’s What You Need to Know About ASC 842, Leases (SSAA252/25)

With the effective date of ASC 842, Leases, right around the corner, companies are running out of time develop their implementation plans. In this one-hour overview course, we'll review the key accounting aspects of ASC 842, primarily from a lessee's...

Non-Member Fee: $55

1 Credit

Surgent’s Weekly Expert Hour (Original Air Date: 8/12/21) (SSTX264/25)

As financial and tax professionals well know, information overload is a constant struggle we face because things change quickly, and the sheer number of changes being made on a daily basis is enormous. Of great importance to small and medium tax and ...

Non-Member Fee: $55

4 Credits

8 Credits

Surgent’s Financial Reporting Update for Tax Practitioners (SSAA136/25)

Tax advisors will be updated on the most recently enacted legislation and IRS guidance as well as updates of recent standard-setting activities at the FASB and AICPA. To start, the course will review the significant tax, financial accounting, auditin...

Non-Member Fee: $360

1 Credit

Surgent’s Data Analytics Readiness Series: Data Modeling (SSTE109/25)

This one-hour course will focus primarily on Power Query, Power Pivot, and VLOOKUP skills. Users will learn how to join tables using various techniques and add-ons in Excel. Users will understand how to utilize the tools while maintaining data integr...

Non-Member Fee: $65

8 Credits

1 Credit

Surgent’s Accounting for Guarantees (SSAA143/25)

Guarantees are often included within certain purchase agreements, sales agreements, commercial agreements, and many other types of agreements. This course provides an overview of the accounting, reporting, and disclosure requirements related to guar...

Non-Member Fee: $45

2 Credits

Surgent’s Schedules K-2 and K-3: Filing Requirements (SSTX168/25)

Many partnerships and S corporations are now required to complete the voluminous Schedules K-2 and K-3 to report foreign-related tax information. Updated for the 2023 tax year, this course is an essential guide for tax preparers on how to identify wh...

Non-Member Fee: $95

4 Credits

4 Credits

2 Credits

12 Credits

1 Credit