Calendar of Events
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What’s Changing in ...
What’s Changing in A&A for Government Entities (LIAA15/25)
This course will start with the GASB standards effective in 2024, focusing on GASB 94, Public Private Partnerships and GASB 96, Subscription Based IT Arrangements. We will then switch to the audit side of the house to examine the impact of the 2024 C...
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Quality Management –...
Quality Management – A Practical Approach (SMAA01/25)
Beginning in 2025, the AICPA Quality Management (QM) Standards will usher in a host of new requirements. The first half of this course is designed to discuss the process of implementing the QM Standards. During the second half, participants will work...
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SC DOR Sales Tax Workshop...
SC DOR Sales Tax Workshop (LRTX0611/25)
SC Department of Revenue offers members localized education. Click the course title to register for free on the SCDOR website!
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Not-for-Profit Accounting...
Not-for-Profit Accounting & Auditing Update (LIAA16/25)
The Not-for-Profit Advisory Committee has been busy discussing several projects that the FASB is working on and their impact on nonprofits. In this course, we will review the key issues and discussions from recent NAC meetings. We'll also take a look...
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What’s Going on at ...
What’s Going on at the GASB (LIAA17/25)
The GASB has been working on some big projects lately. This course starts with a look at the GASB standards effective this year, including GASB 94, Public Private Partnerships and GASB 96, Subscription Based IT Arrangements. We will include practical...
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Understanding & Leadi...
Understanding & Leading Different Generations in the Workplace (LIOT20/25)
2025 Professional Development Program with Leadership Simplified
Raise your bar of excellence by attending all or selected leadership development meetings. Provided virtually, each session is high-impact and engaging. The pro...
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Surgent’s Bankruptc...
Surgent’s Bankruptcy Basics: Understanding the Consumer Bankruptcy Process (SSOT115/25)
Consumers file for bankruptcy to seek protection from creditors and to reorganize or liquidate debts. Bankruptcy filings rise and fall with the economy. Surveys show that loss of income is the leading cause of consumer bankruptcies, followed by medic...